Today I have been working on binding a quilt. I love hand stitching the binding on the back. I guess I like it because it's (usually) the only part of the quilt that I sew by hand and it feels more personal somehow. And I love making so that the stitches are invisible. And nicely mitered corners make me smile every time. Just look:
Machine sewn on the front...
...and hand stitched on the back :)
This is a quilt I am making for some very good friends of mine who are getting married at the end of the month. Size wise, it's somewhere between queen and a king. It should be done in a few days and I am so excited to give it to them. Not that I think that they will be checking out my blog, but I won't be posting pictures until after I give it to them. Back to binding, tata for now!
Oh lala! I think they will love it!!